Source code for dwave_embedding_utilities

D-Wave Embedding Utilities

This package provides functions that map samples between a source graph
and a target graph.


**model** - A collection of variables with associated linear and
quadratic biases. Sometimes referred to in other projects as a **problem**.
In this project all models are expected to be spin-valued - that is the
variables in the model can be -1 or 1.

**graph** - A collection of nodes and edges. A graph can be derived
from a model; a node for each variable and an edge for each pair
of variables with a non-zero quadratic bias.

**source** - The model or induced graph that we wish to embed. Sometimes
referred to in other projects as the **logical** graph/model.

**target** - Embedding attempts to create a target model from a target
graph. The process of embedding takes a source model, derives the source
graph, maps the source graph to the target graph, then derives the target
model. Sometimes referred to in other projects at the **embedded** graph/model.

**chain** - A collection of nodes or variables in the target graph/model
that we want to act like a single node/variable.

**chain strength** - The magnitude of the negative quadratic bias applied
between variables within a chain.


Imagine that we have a sampler which is structured as a 4-cycle graph.

.. code-block:: python

    import networkx as nx
    target_graph = nx.cycle_graph(4)
    # target_graph = {0: {1, 3}, 1: {0, 2}, 2: {1, 3}, 3: {0, 2}}  # equivalent

We have a model on a 3-cycle that we wish to embed.

.. code-block:: python

    source_linear = {'a': 0., 'b': 0., 'c': 0.}
    source_quadratic = {('a', 'b'): 1., ('b', 'c'): 1., ('a', 'c'): 1.}

Finally, we have an embedding that maps a 3-cycle to a 4-cycle. In this
case we want variables 1, 2 in the target to behave as a single variable.

.. code-block:: python

    embedding = {'a': {0}, 'b': {1, 2}, 'c': {3}}

To get the target model, use the :func:`embed_ising` function.

.. code-block:: python

    target_linear, target_quadratic, chain_quadratic = embed_ising(
        source_linear, source_quadratic, embedding, target_graph)

Say that we sample from the target model using some sampler, we can then
umembed the samples using :func:`unembed_samples`.

.. code-block:: python

    samples = {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1, 3: 1}
    source_samples = unembed_samples(samples, embedding)

from __future__ import division, absolute_import

import itertools
import random
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import sys

_PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
if _PY2:
    range = xrange
    zip = itertools.izip

    def iteritems(d):
        return d.iteritems()

    def itervalues(d):
        return d.itervalues()
    def iteritems(d):
        return d.items()

    def itervalues(d):
        return d.values()

__all__ = ['target_to_source', 'chain_break_frequency', 'embed_ising',
           'discard', 'majority_vote', 'weighted_random', 'minimize_energy',

__version__ = '0.3.0'
__author__ = 'D-Wave Systems Inc.'
__description__ = 'Utilities to manage embedding for the D-Wave System'
__authoremail__ = ''

[docs]def target_to_source(target_adjacency, embedding): """Derive the source adjacency from an embedding and target adjacency. Args: target_adjacency (dict/:class:`networkx.Graph`): A dict of the form {v: Nv, ...} where v is a node in the target graph and Nv is the neighbors of v as an iterable. This can also be a networkx graph. embedding (dict): A mapping from a source graph to a target graph. Returns: dict: The adjacency of the source graph. Raises: ValueError: If any node in the target_adjacency is assigned more than one node in the source graph by embedding. """ # the nodes in the source adjacency are just the keys of the embedding source_adjacency = {v: set() for v in embedding} # we need the mapping from each node in the target to its source node reverse_embedding = {} for v, chain in iteritems(embedding): for u in chain: if u in reverse_embedding: raise ValueError("target node {} assigned to more than one source node".format(u)) reverse_embedding[u] = v # v is node in target, n node in source for v, n in iteritems(reverse_embedding): neighbors = target_adjacency[v] # u is node in target for u in neighbors: # some nodes might not be assigned to chains if u not in reverse_embedding: continue # m is node in source m = reverse_embedding[u] if m == n: continue source_adjacency[n].add(m) source_adjacency[m].add(n) return source_adjacency
[docs]def embed_ising(source_linear, source_quadratic, embedding, target_adjacency, chain_strength=1.0): """Embeds a logical Ising model onto another graph via an embedding. Args: source_linear (dict): The linear biases to be embedded. Should be a dict of the form {v: bias, ...} where v is a variable in the source model and bias is the linear bias associated with v. source_quadratic (dict): The quadratic biases to be embedded. Should be a dict of the form {(u, v): bias, ...} where u, v are variables in the source model and bias is the quadratic bias associated with (u, v). embedding (dict): The mapping from the source graph to the target graph. Should be of the form {v: {s, ...}, ...} where v is a variable in the source model and s is a variable in the target model. target_adjacency (dict/:class:`networkx.Graph`): The adjacency dict of the target graph. Should be a dict of the form {s: Ns, ...} where s is a variable in the target graph and Ns is the set of neighbours of s. chain_strength (float, optional): The quadratic bias that should be used to create chains. Returns: (dict, dict, dict): A 3-tuple containing: dict: The linear biases of the target problem. In the form {s: bias, ...} where s is a node in the target graph and bias is the associated linear bias. dict: The quadratic biases of the target problem. A dict of the form {(s, t): bias, ...} where (s, t) is an edge in the target graph and bias is the associated quadratic bias. dict: The quadratic biases that induce the variables in the target problem to act as one. A dict of the form {(s, t): -chain_strength, ...} which is the quadratic biases associated with the chains. Examples: >>> source_linear = {'a': 1, 'b': 1} >>> source_quadratic = {('a', 'b'): -1} >>> embedding = {'a': [0, 1], 'b': [2]} >>> target_adjacency = {0: {1, 2}, 1: {0, 2}, 2: {0, 1}} >>> target_linear, target_quadratic, chain_quadratic = embed_ising( ... source_linear, source_quadratic, embedding, target_adjacency) >>> target_linear {0: 0.5, 1: 0.5, 2: 1.0} >>> target_quadratic {(0, 2): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.5} >>> chain_quadratic {(0, 1): -1.0} """ # store variables in the target graph that the embedding hasn't used unused = {v for v in target_adjacency} - set().union(*embedding.values()) # ok, let's begin with the linear biases. # we spread the value of h evenly over the chain target_linear = {v: 0. for v in target_adjacency} for v, bias in iteritems(source_linear): try: chain_variables = embedding[v] except KeyError: # if our embedding doesn't deal with this variable, assume it's an isolated vertex and embed it to one of # the unused variables. if this turns out to not be an isolated vertex, it will be caught below when # handling quadratic biases try: embedding[v] = {unused.pop()} except KeyError: raise ValueError('no embedding provided for source variable {}'.format(v)) chain_variables = embedding[v] b = bias / len(chain_variables) for s in chain_variables: try: target_linear[s] += b except KeyError: raise ValueError('chain variable {} not in target_adjacency'.format(s)) # next up the quadratic biases. # We spread the quadratic biases evenly over the edges target_quadratic = {} for (u, v), bias in iteritems(source_quadratic): edges = set() if u not in embedding: raise ValueError('no embedding provided for source variable {}'.format(u)) if v not in embedding: raise ValueError('no embedding provided for source variable {}'.format(v)) for s in embedding[u]: for t in embedding[v]: try: if s in target_adjacency[t] and (t, s) not in edges: edges.add((s, t)) except KeyError: raise ValueError('chain variable {} not in target_adjacency'.format(s)) if not edges: raise ValueError("no edges in target graph between source variables {}, {}".format(u, v)) b = bias / len(edges) # in some cases the logical J can have (u, v) and (v, u) as inputs, so make # sure we are not doubling them up with our choice of ordering for s, t in edges: if (s, t) in target_quadratic: target_quadratic[(s, t)] += b elif (t, s) in target_quadratic: target_quadratic[(t, s)] += b else: target_quadratic[(s, t)] = b # finally we need to connect the nodes in the chains chain_quadratic = {} for chain in itervalues(embedding): chain_quadratic.update(chain_to_quadratic(chain, target_adjacency, chain_strength)) return target_linear, target_quadratic, chain_quadratic
[docs]def chain_to_quadratic(chain, target_adjacency, chain_strength): """Determine the quadratic biases that induce the given chain. Args: chain (set/list/tuple): The variables that make up a chain. target_adjacency (dict/:class:`networkx.Graph`): The adjacency dict of the target graph. Should be a dict of the form {s: Ns, ...} where s is a variable in the target graph and Ns is the set of neighbours of s. chain_strength (float): The quadratic bias that should be used to create chains. Returns: dict[edge, float]: The quadratic biases that induce the given chain. Examples: >>> chain = {1, 2} >>> target_adjacency = {0: {1, 2}, 1: {0, 2}, 2: {0, 1}} >>> chain_to_quadratic(chain, target_adjacency, 1) {(1, 2): -1} """ quadratic = {} # we will be adding the edges that make the chain here # do a breadth first search seen = set() next_level = {next(iter(chain))} while next_level: this_level = next_level next_level = set() for v in this_level: if v not in seen: seen.add(v) for u in target_adjacency[v]: if u not in chain: continue next_level.add(u) if u != v and (u, v) not in quadratic: quadratic[(v, u)] = -chain_strength if len(chain) != len(seen): raise ValueError('{} is not a connected chain'.format(chain)) return quadratic
[docs]def chain_break_frequency(samples, embedding): """Determines the frequency of chain breaks in the given samples. Args: samples (iterable): An iterable of samples where each sample is a dict of the form {v: val, ...} where v is a variable in the target graph and val is the associated value as determined by a binary quadratic model sampler. embedding (dict): The mapping from the source graph to the target graph. Should be of the form {v: {s, ...}, ...} where v is a variable in the source model and s is a variable in the target model. Returns: dict: The frequency of chain breaks in the form {v: f, ...} where v is a variable in the source graph and frequency is the fraction of chains that were broken as a float. """ counts = {v: 0 for v in embedding} total = 0 for sample in samples: for v, chain in iteritems(embedding): vals = [sample[u] for u in chain] if not _all_equal(vals): counts[v] += 1 total += 1 return {v: counts[v] / total for v in embedding}
[docs]def unembed_samples(samples, embedding, chain_break_method=None): """Return samples over the variables in the source graph. Args: samples (iterable): An iterable of samples where each sample is a dict of the form {v: val, ...} where v is a variable in the target model and val is the associated value as determined by a binary quadratic model sampler. embedding (dict): The mapping from the source graph to the target graph. Should be of the form {v: {s, ...}, ...} where v is a node in the source graph and s is a node in the target graph. chain_break_method (function, optional): The method used to resolve chain breaks. Default is :method:`majority_vote`. Returns: list: A list of unembedded samples. Each sample is a dict of the form {v: val, ...} where v is a variable in the source graph and val is the value associated with the variable. """ if chain_break_method is None: chain_break_method = majority_vote return list(itertools.chain(*(chain_break_method(sample, embedding) for sample in samples)))
[docs]def discard(sample, embedding): """Discards the sample if broken. Args: sample (dict): A sample of the form {v: val, ...} where v is a variable in the target graph and val is the associated value as determined by a binary quadratic model sampler. embedding (dict): The mapping from the source graph to the target graph. Should be of the form {v: {s, ...}, ...} where v is a node in the source graph and s is a node in the target graph. Yields: dict: The unembedded sample is no chains were broken. """ unembeded = {} for v, chain in iteritems(embedding): vals = [sample[u] for u in chain] if _all_equal(vals): unembeded[v] = vals.pop() else: return yield unembeded
[docs]def majority_vote(sample, embedding): """Determines the sample values by majority vote. Args: sample (dict): A sample of the form {v: val, ...} where v is a variable in the target graph and val is the associated value as determined by a binary quadratic model sampler. embedding (dict): The mapping from the source graph to the target graph. Should be of the form {v: {s, ...}, ...} where v is a node in the source graph and s is a node in the target graph. Yields: dict: The unembedded sample. When there is a chain break, the value is chosen to match the most common value in the chain. """ unembeded = {} for v, chain in iteritems(embedding): vals = [sample[u] for u in chain] if _all_equal(vals): unembeded[v] = vals.pop() else: unembeded[v] = _most_common(vals) yield unembeded
[docs]def weighted_random(sample, embedding): """Determines the sample values by weighed random choice. Args: sample (dict): A sample of the form {v: val, ...} where v is a variable in the target graph and val is the associated value as determined by a binary quadratic model sampler. embedding (dict): The mapping from the source graph to the target graph. Should be of the form {v: {s, ...}, ...} where v is a node in the source graph and s is a node in the target graph. Yields: dict: The unembedded sample. When there is a chain break, the value is chosen randomly, weighted by the frequency of the values within the chain. """ unembeded = {} for v, chain in iteritems(embedding): vals = [sample[u] for u in chain] # pick a random element uniformly from all vals, this weights them by # the proportion of each unembeded[v] = random.choice(vals) yield unembeded
class MinimizeEnergy(object): def __init__(self, linear=None, quadratic=None): """Determines the sample values by minimizing the local energy. Args: linear (dict): The linear biases of the source model. Should be a dict of the form {v: bias, ...} where v is a variable in the source model and bias is the linear bias associated with v. quadratic (dict): The quadratic biases of the source model. Should be a dict of the form {(u, v): bias, ...} where u, v are variables in the source model and bias is the quadratic bias associated with (u, v). """ if linear is None and quadratic is None: raise TypeError("the minimize_energy method requires `linear` and `quadratic` keyword arguments") self._linear = linear if linear is not None else defaultdict(float) self._quadratic = quadratic if quadratic is not None else dict() def __call__(self, sample, embedding): """ Args: sample (dict): A sample of the form {v: val, ...} where v is a variable in the target graph and val is the associated value as determined by a binary quadratic model sampler. embedding (dict): The mapping from the source graph to the target graph. Should be of the form {v: {s, ...}, ...} where v is a node in the source graph and s is a node in the target graph. Yields: dict: The unembedded sample. When there is a chain break, the value is chosen to minimize the energy relative to its neighbors. """ unembeded = {} broken = {} # keys are the broken source variables, values are the energy contributions vartype = set(itervalues(sample)) if len(vartype) > 2: raise ValueError("sample has more than two different values") # first establish the values of all of the unbroken chains for v, chain in iteritems(embedding): vals = [sample[u] for u in chain] if _all_equal(vals): unembeded[v] = vals.pop() else: broken[v] = self._linear[v] # broken tracks the linear energy # now, we want to determine the energy for each of the broken variable # as much as we can for (u, v), bias in iteritems(self._quadratic): if u in unembeded and v in broken: broken[v] += unembeded[u] * bias elif v in unembeded and u in broken: broken[u] += unembeded[v] * bias # in order of energy contribution, pick spins for the broken variables while broken: v = max(broken, key=lambda u: abs(broken[u])) # biggest energy contribution # get the value from vartypes that minimizes the energy val = min(vartype, key=lambda b: broken[v] * b) # set that value and remove it from broken unembeded[v] = val del broken[v] # add v's energy contribution to all of the nodes it is connected to for u in broken: if (u, v) in self._quadratic: broken[u] += val * self._quadratic[(u, v)] if (v, u) in self._quadratic: broken[u] += val * self._quadratic[(v, u)] yield unembeded def _all_equal(iterable): """True if all values in `iterable` are equal, else False.""" iterator = iter(iterable) first = next(iterator) return all(first == rest for rest in iterator) def _most_common(iterable): """Returns the most common element in `iterable`.""" data = Counter(iterable) return max(data, key=data.__getitem__)
[docs]def edgelist_to_adjacency(edgelist): """Converts an iterator of edges to an adjacency dict. Args: edgelist (iterable): An iterator over 2-tuples where each 2-tuple is an edge. Returns: dict: The adjacency dict. A dict of the form {v: Nv, ...} where v is a node in a graph and Nv is the neighbors of v as an set. """ adjacency = dict() for u, v in edgelist: if u in adjacency: adjacency[u].add(v) else: adjacency[u] = {v} if v in adjacency: adjacency[v].add(u) else: adjacency[v] = {u} return adjacency